Through the course of this year's AP English Language journey, we have read about, discussed, written about, and debated many different topics, all of which have some impact on and relevance to our experience as human beings. For your final, you will choose one of these topics to consider in more depth. You will be responsible for creating a multi-media presentation, the foundation of which will be a carefully crafted speech that posits an argument on some component of the topic you have chosen. The speech will be accompanied by a well-designed pecha-kucha. You may work alone on this project or collaborate with a partner.
• 3 to 5-minute speech (3 to 4 for a single presenter; 4 to 5 for a pair) identifying and supporting a thesis
• slide show (Powerpoint, Prezi, etc.) timed to work automatically with the speech
• information derived from at least three sources, at least one of which is drawn from material we have addressed in class
• at least one direct quotation, appropriately credited, from this year's readings
• credits slide with correct MLA citations for all sources used
The completed presentation will be worth 150 points:
• speech presentation (scored on the Oregon Common Core State Standards for speaking) 50
• speech construction (scored on the Oregon Common Core State Standards for writing) 50
• slide content (engaging, effective, clear) 25
• slide coordination (well-timed to speech, effective pace) 15
• citation slide (complete, correct, clear) 10
Students who choose to work with a partner will be graded the same on speech construction, slide content, citation, and coordination. Each student will be responsible for half of the presentation, and will be graded individually for their portion.
5/16-17 Choose topic, commit to partner or individual presentation
5/20-24 Research and construction (library)
5/27 Memorial Day Holiday
5/28-29 Research and construction (library)
6/3-7 Presentations (Sign up