First off, you will need to do some housekeeping tasks so that we can communicate through the summer and beyond. This blog will be our meeting place, clearing house, and bulletin board for all things AP. I will post assignments, readings, due dates, etc. here beginning the first of July, so you will need to check in some time before Independence Day to stay abreast of developments.
Much of the work we do in the summer and throughout the year will be paperless (Yay trees!), so I will need you to create a Google account and gmail for our correspondence. To be included in class texts you may also provide cell phone information, but it is not required. Please provide your information on this STUDENT INFO FORM for my data base.
The reading portion of your summer work is the novel, Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn. Some copies of this novel are available through the library, but you should consider purchasing your own copy to mark up and refer to throughout the year. Several used copies will be available for purchase in my classroom by June 1. New and used copies are available through Amazon or other bookstores. In addition, you will have two viewing and two listening assignments. Your first assignment will be posted on this blog by July 1, due July 14. Check this link for more information.
Because this year's students are still using this blog site, it is currently cluttered with info you don't need. Feel free to browse, but don't touch anything. If you break it, you buy it. Once the current class checks out, we'll rearrange things and make it a place we can call home. Or blog. Anyway, bookmark it; you'll be glad you did.